How to Promote and Utilize Your Band or Artist Page on Twitter

Blog post originally from the SymphonicBlog.
By John Waltmann.

So you’ve created your Twitter page for your artist or band, that’s great! Now what? Here’s How to Promote and Utilize Your Band or Artist Page on Twitter.

It can be a scary and intimidating situation starting a social media page from ground zero and these tips may help you grow your network of followers and help promote your music for the future.

First and foremost, the Twitter page you’ve created should have an association with the rest of your musician or band social media pages. Google and other search engines will prioritize your pages if it can recognize multiple pages for your band. In a perfect scenario, all of your slug URLs would be properly streamlined to look like, for example:

If you can’t get these perfect, it’s not the end of the world, but try small variations like adding ‘music’ or ‘band’ or your local ‘city’ after your artist/band name to keep the SEO and familiarity for your fans relevant.

The next step, before you start tweeting at people or even following your friends, would to be skinning your profile with graphic assets and fill out all the information you can for your profile. Do you have an upcoming release your promoting? Live performances? A single? Put together some graphics that will fit Twitter’s guidelines. You can find those here.

Once you’ve got your profile looking sexy and streamlined, you can start now by following some of your friends, favorite bands, blogs, and any relevant music editors that may stumble across your page. You can also begin to find fans of artists you may sound similar to and start to follow them as well. All in all, they are most likely to discover you and end up digging your sound based on these similar interests.

Another step that you can get set up before you even start tweeting is adding this new Twitter page link to your official website, SoundCloud, Facebook and anywhere your band name might exist. The backend of Twitter can also provide you with a slick and easy-to-use website embed that will host the feed onto your website. Highly suggested..

Next, it’s time to make some Tweets. Oh, so you think you’re boring and you don’t know how to use social media? That’s OK. Social media is about being yourself, and showcasing who you are as a musician/band. Try not to think about starting off and impressing every person in the world, that’s going to be impossible. Just remaining active is the name of the game on Twitter. Joining into a conversation of someone that you follow can be a great way to start some solid interactions and gain some followers. Don’t be shy now… start tweeting at some additional artists/bands that maybe you would want to collaborate one day as well. No one but yourself is going to be counting the number of times someone might not respond, but these types of reach outs to them cannot hurt at all.

Don’t let you Twitter turn into a feed for your Instagram photos either. It’s important for the reader to pick up your voice from your Tweets, or they will eventually just get bored. Best practice would to be sharing your photos from Twitters photo post feature, that way they will actually show up in the feed and the user won’t be redirected to Instagram when they click on your aggregated link.

Here’s some relevant content that you’re going to want to think about in the future as well: Updates from the studio when you’re recording and pictures and video from the packaging or manufacturing of your music (this can include when the artwork or promotional items are being created for your album release).

One of the most important topics to be posting about can be while you are on the road and on tour. People love to see this journey that you’re experiencing and wish they could be a part of it while they read your tweets from their office desks. Let people into this adventure with you and tell them the craziness that the world brings to an artist on the road.

The next steps to utilize Twitter for the long haul would to be scheduling marketing plans for your releases using social media. There are many platforms that artists can take advantage of where you can set up Tweets for Trades on promotional items. This could be a free track, signed drumsticks, and basically anything else you could think of.

We could chat for days on best practices on social media, but these are a few things that should definitely get you up and running and interacting with people in no time. Don’t be scared to follow back fans and be sure to be responding to people taking the time to @reply you. Being personal, consistent, and relevant to the times will take you a long way on the ever-famous Twitter platform.

By John Waltmann
Client Relationship Manager of Symphonic Distribution


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