The Self-Promotion Tactic that Fails Every Time

By Robin Yukiko - Sept 13, 2013
Post from MusicClout

Everyday, artists sabotage their music career on social media. We’ve all seen it happen to others, yet people still fall into this trap.

Someone I barely know recently posted on my band page, "Gotta do it! Shameless self-promoting!" and then pasted his website. No introduction, no greeting. Though this is not the first time someone has promoted themselves on my page, I was left feeling icky, like someone discovered my door was unlocked and just walked into my house.

Since I can't delete posts from my phone, I settled for replying, "No you don't," and deleted the whole thing when I got home.

Was my response out of line? Surely, you have to shamelessly promote at people in order to get heard, right? He was just doing what we all have to do, right? That’s how it’s done these days, right?


This impersonal tactic is the equivalent of attaching a badly written flyer to someone's car, but making sure they have to drive around town with it for a little while. It's just plain rude. Not only that, but it doesn't work.

Here are three reasons why:

1. I don't know what I'm being linked to. Is it a song? A new video? Why should I click/care? It’s like dropping off a resume without saying what job you want. And there was no job listing anyway. It accomplishes nothing.

2. If your only interaction with me has been when you promote at me, why should I be interested? You are like a commercial I put on mute until I get to the content I'm REALLY looking for.

3. You announced that you "gotta do it". Really? Is someone twisting your arm, making you spam me? That just makes me feel bad for you. You have no control over the content you put out and makes you sound desperate.

If you need to advertise, put out an ad. If you want to make a fan, engage. Don't litter on someone's wall whom you barely know. Profiles represent people, not your personal ad space. If you want to come into someone’s house, knock first. Wipe your feet. Don’t just barge in like you own the place. 

Robin Yukiko is a Berklee College of Music grad, singer-songwriter, pianist, and music educator. She recently released her second album, Love War, and is enjoying nerdly pursuits. For a free song, join Robin’s mailing list


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