File Management & Backup Makes for an Easy Future

Blog post originally from the SymphonicBlog.
Written by Sean Davis.

Labels, bands, and artists, as a once great Morty said, “Get your shit together.” I don’t mean that in an abstract sense, though. I mean it literally. Make sure the lifeblood and history of whatever artistic endeavour you are involved in has their shit together. The times we have encountered disorganization from any one of these groups is startling so we might as well talk about the basics.

Here’s why file management for artists is important.

Keep local/cloud copies of all files pertaining to your label/band, including:

  • Contracts
  • Audio
  • Images
  • Data
  • Pictures of dinner napkins with lyrics written on them

If you are ever in a situation where we as a distributor need these files for whatever reason, it is great to have everything categorically filed away for easy access. This keeps you ready for the future to respond quickly with your assets. In a promotions sense it’s great to have all of the latest files for any project you are working on. Being able to send anything needed to that random major movie studio director of music you stumble upon not only gets you noticed it also shows you are organized and responsible. Good job, you seem like someone that actually cares about what they do. In a more clerical sense it’s great when you need a lookup to verify ISRCs, etc. with your distributor or PRO.

Also think about using a localized cloud storage solution for your team. Dropbox, Google Drive, a private server. For anyone involved with the label or group it is a great asset to have a source for the team to all pull from the same repository. Be sure to put permissions on more delicate folders such as contracts or other files that levels in the organization shouldn’t be tempted to look at. This also can be amazing during conferences/outings if people on your team are making inroads with a client and need to update business files, like a contract, from team members that aren’t currently with you.

Sean Davis

Sean Davis is the Digital Platform Coordinator at Symphonic Distribution. He also DJs under the name YIBN.


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