The Importance Of Following Up In The Music Industry
A Guest Post by Symphonic Distribution
Originally taken from MusicClout
Originally taken from MusicClout
If there is one thing we have learned in running and growing Symphonic Distribution is that we MUST follow up in order to get things done. As strange as it may sound, we have even gone to lengths of CC:ing ourselves in emails so it’s more efficient for us to follow up to multiple items at once. We’re in the Music Service industry and our job is to give our clients the best service possible. Our clients ask us for something and we do whatever we can to accommodate that request. We reach out if we have to and if we hear nothing then we do what we must and that is we simply follow up.
So you are a record label and you want to do what you can to grow your brand, releases, artists, etc. Well, It’s important to put out quality product (this you know and we have already discussed that before as we always include it in our documentation). It’s also known that we have continuously said that for record labels to succeed they must be as consistent as possible. Releasing, contacting artists, promoting on a consistent basis will help the brand grow (it’s a fact).
If a record label is doing the above and only doing it once then they aren’t properly following up. If you want a release from an artist and they don’t write back after 2 weeks, then simply send them a follow up! It’s free! If you haven’t heard from a blog that promised you a feature, don’t be afraid to hit them up 3-4 days after your first message to nudge them. Everybody is always busy in this music industry and at times it’s true while other times it’s just plain laziness and BS so your follow up is something that is probably helping them to accommodate your request.
Following up also comes with one other key attribute. Being organized.
It is pretty much mandatory to be as organized as possible in terms of running a record label. You have to (and we mean HAVE TO) plan and work a record label and any activity you do in the music industry like a business. This fun magical world that is the music industry is only getting bigger and bigger by the second and if you fail to stay organized, trust us, it will make it very difficult to accomplish a lot.
Now, if you are reading this and you are actually doing everything of the above, don’t worry, we understand your frustration.
With the many aspects of the music industry and its over saturation, it’s quite discouraging at times. You pay for a release, marketing, shows, etc. just to see your investment turn into a loss. You’re organized, have followed up and done everything possible to achieve success yet, you still have a loss. Well, believe it or not, this happens quite a bit. Not to sound like Tony Robbins or anything but, you have to keep pushing very hard and perhaps the next time, approach the situation differently.
If you are spending a lot, scale it back. Try and be creative to where you’re reaching out and following up to artists and opportunities that will not pose a great investment on you because when you find these unique and cost efficient opportunities it may very well be more beneficial than that major investment into an artist that may or may NOT sell well.
We know this is a tough article to read and swallow however, if you haven’t thought about following up and given up after your first communication, change your strategy. Be organized, hit “Reply All” after you’ve CC:ed yourself and send a message that reads: “Hey there, just following up”.
We can tell you that by following up each and every day we have been able to achieve great things. The Content Portal going live, us integrating partners such as Google, Rhapsody, iTunes, acquiring companies, and many more aspects of our business can be attributed to our staff following up and doing what they can to get what is needed for growth.
By Jorge Brea
CEO & Founder of Symphonic Distribution
Symphonic Distribution was launched in the winter of 2006 by a Music Producer from Tampa, Florida. The company was launched with the intention of providing new and established record labels cost effective digital distribution to retailers such as iTunes, Beatport, Rhapsody, Amazon, and more with a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. By the end of 2007, the company struck agreements with over 250 record labels, and improved its offerings to include additional services such as Mastering, Marketing, Label/Artist Development, and more.
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