The Importance Of Following Up In The Music Industry
A Guest Post by Symphonic Distribution Originally taken from MusicClout If there is one thing we have learned in running and growing Symphonic Distribution is that we MUST follow up in order to get things done. As strange as it may sound, we have even gone to lengths of CC:ing ourselves in emails so it’s more efficient for us to follow up to multiple items at once. We’re in the Music Service industry and our job is to give our clients the best service possible. Our clients ask us for something and we do whatever we can to accommodate that request. We reach out if we have to and if we hear nothing then we do what we must and that is we simply follow up. So you are a record label and you want to do what you can to grow your brand, releases, artists, etc. Well, It’s important to put out quality product (this you know and we have already discussed that before as we always include it in our documentation). It’s also known that we have continuously said that for record labels to ...