How To Make It In The Music Industry
A Guest Post by , originally found at Music Clout How to make it in the music industry … Such a popular question, one that’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue that enters as well as those who’ve been in for a while without any success. Those who don’t know are confused and those those who understand pretend there’s some sort of secret sauce. I have 117 emails sitting in my in box right now with this phrase meshed within a pool of other questions. So I figured I’d give my insight on the topic, clear up a few things and point you in the right direction. First, what does “making it” mean ? What does it mean TO YOU? Is it making a good living in the industry or does it mean reaching celebrity status? Is it getting a Record Deal?…What is it? This is an important question because the answer will determine how complex your road to success will be. If money is the target, that’s easy as there’s plenty of opportunities out there for you to capitalize on...