
Showing posts from June, 2017

Social Media Basics - Hashtags for Artists

Blog post originally from the SymphonicBlog . Written by Ta'Rikah Jones . If you’re an artist or a band that’s new to the world of social media, hashtags may seem confusing or pointless. These little symbols are a vital way for way people communicate and digest information online. Not only are they important but they can also increase your engagement rate and followers. What is a Hashtag? A hashtag is social media’s way of categorizing something, whether it is a Tweet, an image, or video. It allows web surfers (who can be fans or potential fans) find your content related to the keyword you use that can be related to a specific topic, music genre, upcoming show, or new music. For example, let’s say you want to promote your latest song on Twitter: ♬ Check out my latest song | “Lean On”(insert link) | #NewMusic #ElectronicMusic Anyone who comes across your tweet can click #NewMusic and immediately be directed to a Twitter database full of Tweets with that hashtag. ...

Arrogance, Is It Crippling The Growth Of Indie Artists?

Blog post originally from MusicClout . A Guest Post by  Sahpreem A. King . @sahpreemking I get sick and tired of artists telling me that they are already doing the things necessary for success, when in fact; most of them haven’t the foggiest idea what music business success looks like. When you don’t know, then your objective should be humility, and within that state of humility you will allow yourself to be open to not only constructive criticism, but also opportunity. Nowadays, a lot of artists have grown accustomed to writing checks with their mouths that their asses can’t cash. Moreover, artist arrogance is not a new phenomenon it has existed ever since the people who cut the checks told average musicians that they were superstars. Nevertheless, artists like Kanye “I am Michelangelo, I am Walt Disney, I am Steve Jobs” West have gotten more and more famous for being high off their own supply (rants) rather than their music.  Sure it is arguable that Kanye ...

How to Advance Your Music Career in a Digital Age

Blog post originally from A guest post by Janette Berrios of Symphonic Distribution Being a musician these days is tough! Back in the good ‘ol days, artists just had to worry about learning their craft and booking shows, hoping to get radio support along the way that could eventually get you signed to a label. But today things have gotten a bit more complicated. But with every challenge there always lies opportunity. This opportunity is that we now have more access to information than ever before–information is knowledge. Now all the barriers of entry only large record labels knew about are out there in the open. With a bit of research and time, we know the industry works and we know how musicians can make money in it. Artists today are lucky to have a window of opportunity literally at their fingertips for thousands of music fans to discover them. These music promotion tips will help you to bring your music into the digital age. Hopefully this post will sh...