Why Your Most Important Tool In Being A Successful Musician Might Actually Be Your Day Job
Blog post originally from MusicClout . Hello everybody! Normandie Wilson here. I've been busy this year getting settled back in my hometown, San Diego, and recording two new albums. (Learn more over on my website: normandiewilson.com) The big announcement that you guys will care about though, is the fact that I'm writing a book. It's called Misadventures, Mistakes, and Miscalculations in Independent Music, and it details every single stupid choice and every bad decision I've ever made in the process of being a musician. I am looking forward to humiliating myself for your educational benefit. My heart is in the right place now. Instead of giving "advice," I'm focusing on sharing my own personal experiences. The truth is, I certainly don't have it all together. All I can do is share with you things that have worked for me, and things that haven't. You can draw your own conclusions from there. To celebrate, I decided to rerun this article. This pa...