Feeling overwhelmed? How to take charge of your To Do List
by Chas Castell www.chascastell.com Originally from MusicClout Who’s heard the advice “you need to be a CEO, as well as an artist, to have a successful music career”? If you haven’t yet, you will. It’s good advice, a reminder that to succeed in music, it’s not enough just to have talent, you need to have what CEOs have - a vision for success, and the ability to set up and run an effective business. But the reality is, even this is not enough. On a day to day basis, what’s most important is acting not just as a CEO of your own brand or company, but as a COO – a Chief Operating Officer. Traditionally this is the person responsible for what’s called ‘operations management’ – specifically, setting goals and ensuring the company meets them successfully. While many artists succeed at the macro level of laying out visions for their career, many struggle at the micro level; with generating specific and focused goals and developing strategies to achieve them. They’ve got the CEO role ...